by brunch cafè | May 1, 2023 | Graduation Party
Whether you’re graduating from high school or university, it’s a time to celebrate. You have managed a major accomplishment and now it’s time to have some fun at the end of a long road. A graduation party is a great way to let your loved ones come together to...
by brunch cafè | Sep 15, 2022 | Catering
Lunch catering is common in some offices and breakfast catering may also be something done once in a while. Have you ever considered combining the two with a special brunch catering event for everyone in the company? There are several benefits, not least of which is...
by brunch cafè | Sep 1, 2022 | Catering
Going out to brunch with friends can be fun, but sometimes you might want a more intimate meal. The best option is a home brunch that you set up yourself. Rather than heading to a café that might be noisy and crowded, you can set up the atmosphere to fit your every...
by brunch cafè | Jun 1, 2022 | Father's Day
Father’s Day is just around the corner. Have you figured out what you will be doing for your father or your kid’s dad if they aren’t quite old enough to plan the day? Even though it might not get as much attention and fanfare as Mother’s Day, you don’t want to let it...
by brunch cafè | May 15, 2022 | Catering
When you’re holding an event, meeting, or another gathering, one thing is sure to bring people together. Great food! A diverse and tasty selection of catered dishes can take an event from ordinary to fantastic. Brunch Café is here to ensure everyone in your group can...