
5 Tips to Help You Enjoy Brunch More

If you’re like many people these days, you already have a healthy relationship with brunch and enjoy going out with friends and family regularly. However, some people still haven’t gotten on board with the brunch trend for one reason or another.

Not a breakfast person? That’s okay.

Confused about the typical brunch menu? That’s okay, too.

Perhaps you think that brunch is just a “fad” and it’s oversold—that’s valid, but we have to politely disagree. In fact, we happen to love brunch so much that we want to help you enjoy it more. Here are five tips to keep in mind.

Find the Brunch You Like

Chain restaurants and typical brunch menus are fine, but they’re not that intriguing. Of course, you’re not going to enjoy a meal that’s mass-produced and boring. Look for local restaurants and cafes that cater to the cuisine or atmosphere that you prefer.

Don’t Go on a Totally Empty Stomach

Brunch usually includes drinks. Mimosas, Bloody Mary bars, and other spirits abound. If you’re waiting on your food, you might get a little too boozy on an empty stomach. Eat a granola bar or something else small before you go to avoid this (and stave off the hangry mood while you’re waiting for food).

Go During Slow Times

Some places serve brunch every day. Others only do it on the weekends. In either case, there are bound to be lulls in business, even at the most popular restaurants in town. If you don’t like brunch because it’s too busy, consider asking when things slow down and go later (or earlier) so you can enjoy yourself.

Consider a Brunch Party

You can host your own brunch party or have brunch catered to someone’s house instead of going out to eat. This is a great way to enjoy brunch and avoid the crowds. Plus, when you order catering, you get the same delicious foods, and you don’t have to lift a finger.

Make It an Event

Instead of just going to brunch on your own or with your spouse, consider making it a whole event. Invite some other friends and family. Reserve a table if you can. Choose a restaurant that’s got a chill vibe where you can kick back and relax.

If you want to enjoy brunch like never before, reach out to Brunch Café and find out how we can help.

Brunch Cafe

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